alliance for grievance mechanisms
in supply chains

our mission

better protection of human rights and the environment

We establish a multi-stakeholder framework for harmonizing grievance mechanisms worldwide and organizing solutions with our partners to better protect human rights and the environment in supply chains.

It is our mission to ensure that individuals who are aware of human rights or environmental violations, or who may be affected by the violation of a legal position, have access to assistance and effective remedies through trusted channels. It is unique in its remit to bundle company owned grievance mechanisms by expanding across supply chains, commodity sectors and geographies.

The violation of a legal position may occur or threaten to occur in an alliance partner’s own business and/or in the partner’s supply chain. For instance, people who might be impacted or already are aware include workers of suppliers or nearby communities where suppliers operate.

Our appellando Alliance aims to acknowledge the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct in connection with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We follow a collaborative approach to harmonize standards for technical interoperability, efficient monitoring, effective investigations and concerted, sustained remediation efforts that are applicable in local and global supply chains, across businesses, commodities, industries, sectors, and geographies.

activities 2024 / 2025

07 – 09 February 2024
Fruit Logistica Trade Fair Berlin, Germany with appellando panel discussion at the Fresh Produce Forum “German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act – (How) does it work? First exchange of experiences”.

13 June 2024
International meeting of Ethical Trade Forums “Responsible Procurement Practices and Recognition of Suppliers
Granada, Spain

17 – 20 June 2024
IFAMA Conference 2024
Almeria, Spain

11 – 12 September 2024
SoS – osapiens Sustainability Summit 2024
Mannheim, Germany

23 – 24 September 2024
DOGK – German Fruit and Vegetable Congress
Düsseldorf, Germany

08 – 10 October 2024
appellando on Fruit Attraction Trade Fair
Madrid, Spain

November 2024
13th United Nations Forum on Business & Human Health
Geneva, Switzerland

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the milestones

June 5 – 6, 2023
First multi-stakeholder workshop in Madrid

July – September 2023
Working Group Meetings

October 2023
Second multi-stakeholder workshop in Madrid and business information on the 03rd Oct 5-6pm at the Fruit Attraction

Spain travel for needs assessment: report

October – November 2023
Developing innovative collaboration model

January – June 2024
Set-up Phase: Set-up of the pilot infrastructure

March 20 2024
Foundation appellando GmbH

July – September 2024
Start-up Phase

October – December 2024
Scaling Phase I

the alliance

Join our force for human rights and environment in supply chains

your call

Stand up and call for human rights and environment in supply chains

our help

Expect our alignment to give access to remedy

the alliance

strong alliance,
strong help

Responsible buyers and suppliers partner with successful systems and solutions in a multi-stakeholder collaborative alliance to offer effective help

about us

explore and build

The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) and the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) require companies of a certain size to set up grievance mechanisms and access to remedy procedures. To ensure successful and effective implementation of these mechanisms, legislators explicitly mention and welcome the use of industry-wide solutions, rather than individual company solutions.

The EHI Retail Institute together with a group of retailers therefore started this initiative and founded the appellando GmbH. The objective is to establish a multi-stakeholder alliance that designs and implements industry-wide grievance mechanism services.

Our appellando framework aims to acknowledge the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct in connection with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We follow a collaborative approach to harmonize standards for technical interoperability, efficient monitoring, effective investigations and concerted, sustained remediation efforts that are applicable in local and global supply chains, across businesses, commodities, industries, sectors, and geographies.

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